

今天第一次在台上做英文簡報,原來比想像中還需要更多的準備,特別是臨場要說出句子來,非常不容易。雖然有manuscript可供參考,但要改為自己的說法,也是要花許多心思的啊!這真是個難得的經驗。I like it and the nervous feeling befor presentation.


1. Opening
· Greetings and introduction
· State your purpose
· Give a brief outline of your presentation
· Timing and question policy

2. Body
· Main content

3. Closing
· Summary
· Conclusion
· Questions
· Farewell

1. Opening


Good morning. I’d like to welcome you here this morning. I’m David Huang of 123 International. The purpose of my presentation today is to present our new list of client services. I have divided my talk into three parts. Firstly, I’ll start by telling you who we are and what we do. Secondly I’ll explain how we can meet those needs. Finally, I’ll give you our prices and show you that we represent value for money. I’ll only take about thirty minutes of your time and if you don’t mind, I’ll deal with questions at the end of my talk.

2. Body


Let’s begin by…
Moving on now to…
This leads me to my next point which is…
I’d now like to consider…

3. Closing

I am now nearing the end of my talk and, at this stage, I’d like to run through my main points again…

That brings me to the end of my presentation. I hope you found it interesting. I’d like to thank you all for your attention. Now, if there are any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them.

Are there any more questions? No? Well, thank you again for listening and I want to wish you all a good journey home.

我希望這些重點將幫助大家好好地用英語架構且做好您的簡報。記得上星期我們說的,做準備是關鍵! 你準備的越完善就會越有自信!
