

Step 1 連線到網址 http://apps.facebook.com/pollscenter/poll.php?pollid=5551&type=1

Step 2 選擇

Step3 挑選適當的朋友…一次最高12位喔….超過12位要再用一次!

Step4 點選底部

Step 5 新增個人訊息, 要打上 ""請投給13號騰騰,超級可愛""...這個很重要喔,千萬不要肥到別人喔!

Step 6 按下傳送! 最後要再去確認投票數是否有增加,是否有跑票或落票等狀況!!!


Autobiography is Hard

It's really hard for me to write autobiography. I find my english is really not good enough for my daily use. But it's a dream that i could speak/write english fluently.Regret always comes after I use English. Anyway, Keep Studying and Keep Going. Cheer up!


Google 完全手冊


20080702 你google了嗎?

主講人 先生


Web1.0à Reading and download

Web2.0à Upload and sharing


RSS2.0 OR ATOM0.2 Software

Sharpreader à reading in your computer http://www.sharpreader.net/

Google reader à reading on internet

Google Gear à download the material in your computer and off-line reading



Max. file size = 100Mb

Max. Time = 10 mins.



Add ghost mail address à 12345+ad@gmail.com à these mail will mail to 12345@gmail.com  (after "+", you can add anything)


Google Search


Site:tw keyword à search web site in Taiwan

Filetype:doc keyword à search *.doc file

Link:www.google.com.tw àsearch web site that has link to www.google.com.tw


Google desktop à a powerful tool for your personal computer.